Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

Tonight is New Years Eve! I'll celebrate it with Vincent, mom, dad, little brother, granddad and grandmom. So guys, have a nice 2011 and enjoy this last day from the year 2010. Don't drink too much! Haha! x

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

We all love sale

So the last few weeks there is sale here in Holland! And I loveeee sale! So here are some stuff that i've bought. I think I also like animal jewelery very much xd

Monday, December 27, 2010

Back from a break

So hay! I'm back from my little break. I know it's not nice to not let you know, but I needed some time for myself, I guess. First, I want you to introduce you to Vincent. He's my boyfriend since 3 weeks. And yesss, you might know the name, but he is also the guy who did the music here on my blog.
Second, I think i'm falling in love with the pictures from the beatles. They are soooo cool! Lovely how they made those pictures back at that time.
And thirth, well.. no thirth.. just a random picture from me, but I like it, because it's a real smile on my face and not a fake one.

O and by the way, I hope you had all a nice Christmas! Soon I'll show you some stuff that I've got from my family.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Sneeuw. Het is wit en het is koud. Je kan er engelen in maken en je kan er een sneeuwbal gevecht mee houden. Je kan er ook door op je bek gaan. Veel mensen vinden sneeuw leuk. Heel veel mensen trouwens. Nou, ik niet. Ik vind het vreselijk. Ik ben weliswaar een herfst/winter/lente mens, maar die sneeuw mag van mij echt verdwijnen. Het geeft mij wel een kerstgevoel. Maar het is zoooo koud en het blokkeert de wegen. Ik kon gisteren niet naar Rotjeknor. Het was te gevaarlijk. Het is ook echt ongelooflijk, begin december en het sneeuwt. Volgens mij heeft het de afgelopen 5 jaar nog nooit zo vroeg gesneeuwd.
Maar goed, je kan er wel leuke dingen mee doen. Mijn twee neven (1tje in de 20 en 1tje in de 30) hadden gisteren ook een sneeuwpop gemaakt. Drie x raden wat er uit kwam.. Ja, precies. Een super grote sneeuwpop met tieten en een pik. Om het lekker plat te zeggen. En ze hadden de grootste lol. Stiekem kan ik er wel om lachen hoor. Ik was ook van plan om Vincent in te peperen, maar dat ging gisteren dus niet door vanwege het weer. Zucht, wat een zwaar leven heb ik toch.
Vandaag is het ook te laat, want het is alweer aan het dooien. Over een paar dagen begint het weer en gaat het ook weer vriezen. Het weer hier in Nederland weet echt niet wat hij wilt. Ze hadden hier ook een warme zomer beloofd en een koude winter. Van die warme zomer is niks terecht gekomen, maar van de winter wel. Waarom, waaaaaarom?! Een beetje warmte, lekker in het gras liggen en naar Kings Of Convenience luisteren is voor mij al goed genoeg voor een 'warme' zomer. Maar nu moet ik binnen zitten voor de kachel met mijn laptop op schoot en een sigaret in mijn hand. Nu is dat ook wel relaxt hoor. Ik mag niet klagen. Gewoon een beetje niksen en ik zie wel wat er van komt. Als ik het zo bekijk, is de sneeuw niet zo erg. Ik word alleen wel een beetje computer verslaafd. Was ik al (merci Vincent), maar dat maakt niet uit.

Ach, laten we allemaal maar lekker genieten en een kop warme chocolade melk nemen. Dan blijf ik hopen dat de sneeuw snel weg is en de zonnestralen weer tevoorschijn komen.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Won't Let You Down Again (But The Snow Will)

Hello, Vincent Here (It's been a while).

Last week was hectic (and fun), so I wasn't able to post a mix and the usual three tunes like I normally do. So this week they're twice as good :D.

Hagenaar & Albrecht - Won't Let You Down

This week's "Most Anticipated Tune" is also one of my favourite tunes of this year. Never before has a classic been rebooted so well as this one. This is house in it's purest form!

Chinese Man - I've Got That Tune

It's not brand new, but it's most certainly not too old to pick up. I'm not sure what genre this is, I guess it's trip-hop. Chinese Man combines classic hip-hop beats with an old 50's sound. You can slightly link this to Nujabes, the mastermind producer, who very unfortunately past away this year. You'll enjoy it.

Summer - Winter: - 0

So I think most of you readers have to deal with this f*cking blizzard and one way to make this winter depression go away, is by playing sunny music ! These are some of my all time favourite summer tunes and I'm sure you'll like them too.

Laidback Luke & Marchand pres. Highstreets - Don't Let Go (Sebastien Leger Remix)

Starchaser - Jambe Myth

Gregor Salto - Just A Trip

As for my mix:


1. Chinese Man - Chinese Man
2. Chinese Man - I've Got That Tune
3. Calibre - Stepdoe
4. Phoenix - Lisztomania (Starguitar Remix)
5. Burns & Fred Falke - YSLM (You Stopped Loving Me) (Club Mix)
6. Riva Starr - More (KINK Remix)
7. Congorock - Babylon (Fare Soldi "Babbylorso" Remix)
8. Example - Two Lives (Kris Menace Remix)
9. Marco V - R.O.U. (Reach On Up) (Original Mix)
10. Massimo Massivi - Hands Up (John Dahlbäck Remix) w/ John Dahlbäck - Sfinx (Original Mix)
11. Carte Blanche - Do Do Do! (Laidback Luke Remix)
12. Bad Boy Bill - Got That Feeling (Laidback Luke Remix)
13. Ronnie Flex - Svansut (Original Mix)
14. Erick Prydz - Niton (The Reason) (Treasure Fingers Remix)
15. Funk D'Void - Flealife (Christian Smith Remix)
16. Hagenaar and Albrecht - Won't Let You Down (Original Mix)
17. Michael Cassette - Ghost In The Machine (Original Mix)

Thursday, December 2, 2010


So, this is not inspiration post, but something else. I wanted to introduce you to Kim and Chantal. This are friends from my class. Chantal is the one with the pink cardigan and Kim is the one with the white, crazy cap. Anyway, we were in Rotterdam (I always call it Rotjeknor) for drewing. Little bit of art and so on. Nice time. I also would meet Vincent in the city, but he couldn't come, because of a private thing. I think he just knew, Kim, Chantal and I would trow snow balls to him, haha!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I Buried a Bone

I really hate it that the quality from my pictures are crap here. Because on my laptop, they are good. Hm, maybe because they are too big. I don't know. Anyway, the last 2 days I was 'sick'. Also my little brother today. We didn't do a thing. Just hanging around on the bench and talking about life. Can you imagine? A dude from 12 and a girl from almost 17, talking about life. But back to the subject. I took those pictures, like 1 sec on the garden, because it's sooooo freaking cold here in the Netherlands. Damn.. This is the new winter coat I bought in Disney! =D I'm very happy with it! And one photography photo.

Monday, November 29, 2010

La Valse D´Amélie

I was a little bored today. So I just took some random pictures. Saterday was my 'birthday' with my little brother and dad. At december the 10th it's my real birthday. Then I'll turn 17. Crap age. You can do nothing. Still do the same things when you're 16, but not do the things when you're 18. So, I have to deal with it. Without that, I had some great presents! Make-up (black xd), a ticket for a movie, ehh.. scarf :'). Lot of things xd.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


This week no posts at all. I'm very sorry, monday I'll start again. No excuse or so. Anyway, yesterday Vincent told me he would publise his mix today. So I'm curious. Tomorrow I'll do my column. Don't know the subject yet, but I'm going to a party tonight, so maybe Kim can help me with that.
Anyway, have a nice sunday tomorrow! And a great night for the people go out.


Monday, November 22, 2010

Pictures Disneyland Paris

Hellooo guys! I'm back. Since yesterday. It was a lot of fun! I had the time off my life. And I see Vincent posted his music post. Kim forgat my password. Sucker. But, never mind, here are some pictures from disney! I'm a little bit 'over' happy at every picture, because I was just happy =D I bought a new winter coat though.. Ghehe, I'm going to show him soon! And I'm not as pale as you can see on the 3th photo. The quality is a bit crap, but the photos are so big, that.. ehh.. yeah.. they are just too big :')

Friday, November 19, 2010

Music Sounds Better In Paris

The deadline of this post is almost there, so let's quickly kick off with my all time favourite rodent..

Deadmau5 - Right This Second

After First being presented as "Moonlight Sonata Esque", and then "Atrium", Deadmau5 has eventually settled on the title "Right This Second". This track is gonna save the ,far too electro-ish, new deadmau5 album, 4 x 4 = 12. The build up with her powerful chords and solid drop remind me and many others of the "random album title" mau5 we all fell in love with. Let's hope this track is the start of random album title 2.0!

Calibre - Even If

Not everybody likes drum&bass, but this is more than that. This is a piece of art. It's best to let the track speak for itself : )

Kaito - We Are Living Here

This is one of my favourite pieces of music I ever had the privilege listening to. It's so simple and complex at the same time and incredibly powerful, you'll know what I mean after you've heard it. I discovered this on the a mix compilation called "Renaissance: The Master Series (mixed by james zabiela, on of the best mixers in the world in my opinion). Evertime I hear it, I seems to sound completely fresh and it's rare to come across music like that.

Stardust - Music Sounds Better With You

The classic amongst classics. French house have always fascinated me, too bad it seems extinct now. I hope the new daft punk album still has some french influences. But after hearing "derezzed" and "tron theme" (although good) , I'm afraid I shouldn't get my hopes up..

As for my weekly mix:

I didn't find many electronica this week, so mostly house this time.


1. Deadmau5 - Right This Second (Vinelli Edit) w/ Axwell and Dirty South - Open Your Heart (acapella)
2. John Dahlbäck - Kairo (Original Mix)
3. Stardust - Music Sounds Better With You (Kid Massive's 2010 Bootleg)
4. Modjo - Lady (Metsi Edit)
5. Subway - You Think About Me (Metsi's Groundbreaking Remix)
6. Subway - You Think About Me (Gianni Marino Remix)
7. Tomcraft - A Place Called Soul (Original Mix)
8. Chris Lake - Sleepwalker w/ Ellrich & Plaice - Bittersweet (Patrick Plaice & Frank Ellrich Remix)
9. James Talk - Doris Day (Original Mix)
10. Lee Kalt, Mark Alston and Harry Romero feat. Mlu - it's Over Now (Original Mix)
11. Arias and Neal - Alive (Club Mix)
12. Reso - Otacon
13. D-Jashta - Transmorph
14. Vermin - Weight More Than A Waiter
15. N.E.R.D. and Daft Punk - Hypnotize U (Nero Remix)

Anyway, that was my post for this week. I think there's gonna be a music Saturday next week, since I'm probably not available *wenkbrauwwiebel



Well hello guys! I'm leaving to disney today! At 10.00 o'clock. So this weekend i'll do nothing. Buttt... I hope Vincent will do his music post today and I really hope that Kim don't forget to do her column this saturday. Their will be posts!!

But I'm leaving in an half hour, so I go.
I see you guys sunday or monday!


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

New Coat

How can you make a girl happy? Well just give her a new winter coat! Waaaaauw, thank you asos! I'm in love with this coat, he's just perfect. So I made some pictures, but because it's to dark bla bla bla, the pictures aren't that good. So if you want to see the jacket by 'daylight', just click here:

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

First young, than old

I think it's quite funny to show you how much i've been changed in the past 4/5 years. So here are some pictures with my age =D


Hahaha, I think i don't changed a lot when I was 15 till know. But he, who knows.. I'm almost 17 and then I'll become old!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

But Hector, was the first

I felt a little bit guilty, because the pictures from last wednesday were quit crap. Today's pictures are also crap, but he, these are by day. I bought that long cardigan at the Primark at Rotterdam. I reeeeeeeeeeally love it! Warm and easy. I also bought that black skinny jeans. Can you believe it? A pants.. I never wear a pants.. But I thought: hm, maybe I need one when I go to Disneyland. AND! On thursday I bought my wintercoat! At I'll show you when it arrives.
Long cardigan: Primark
Shirt: Pieces
Pants: Primark
Shoes: Sasha
Necklace: Six

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Iedereen heeft tegenwoordig wel een mobieltje. En iedereen tegenwoordig smst of belt regelmatig. Het lijkt wel alsof niemand meer zonder kan. Maar dat is toch eigenlijk best raar? Waarom kunnen wij nu niet meer zonder mobieltje en kon men dat 30/40 jaar geleden wel. Zij pakten gewoon de fiets en gingen kijken of er iemand thuis was. Wij, van de moderne tijd, zijn daarvoor te lui en pakken al snel onze telefoon om te checken of er uberhaupt iemand is om mee af te spreken.
Maar voor sommige mensen is dat ook nog een probleem, want wat nou als je zonder beltegoed zit? Nieuwe kopen.. maar dat kost weer geld. Mobiel van je ouders lenen.. maar dat mag niet altijd. Tijd voor een abbo.. maar dat is weer te duur. Tja, wij hebben het in deze tijd niet makkelijk. Wat ook een hype de laatste tijd is, is de blackberry. Een toetsenbordje, moet je niet te dikke vingers voor hebben, want dan heb je er vrij weinig aan en je kan 'gratis' naar elkaar pingen. Dat is een soort van smsen, maar dat is dan 'gratis' als je het naar mensen doet, die oook een blackberry hebben. Het enige wat je daarvoor hoeft te doen is even een blackberry kopen van 500 euro en dan een blackberry internet abbo of whatever afsluiten wat je ook nog eens 22 euro kost. Nederland is niet zo duur, zeggen ze dan.
Maar waarom pakken wij de fiets of de auto niet, als we naar iemand toe willen zonder het eerst te melden? Omdat we gewoon lui zijn (tenzij een leuke jongen je aanbiedt om wiskunde bijlessen te geven, dan kunnen ze makkelijk met de fiets). Omdat we niet willen dat diegene dadelijk niet thuis is en dus voor een gesloten deur staan. Dus dan maar even een dubble check. Het is ook niet moeilijk, want je krijgt vaak meteen een bericht terug. En dan nog glashard beweren dat je niet verslaafd kan zijn aan een telefoon.

Maar goed, ik kan dan wel lekker klagen. Ik ben er zelf ook verslaafd aan. Ik heb dan t-mobile en krijg 300 gratis smsjes per maand als ik die maand daarvoor met minimaal 10 euro heb opgewaardeerd. En ook ik ben lui. Vaak lig ik in mijn bed, met de tv aan en mijn computer op schoot met hyves, facebook, blog en mail aan. Ik sms ook best veel met 1 persoon. Het verschilt per maand, dan weer niet en dan opeens echt heel veel. Mijn 300 smsjes, zijn ook binnen 12 dagen opgegaan. Ongelooflijk he? In 12 dagen. Dan maar weer over op het beltegoed. Helaas kost het dan 23 cent om even een smsje te sturen, maar ja.. Eigen schuld, dikke bult.

A fijn, er zijn ook veel voordelen. Het is sowieso veel sneller en vooral bij een abbo, want dan kan je altijd smsen en bellen. Maar ik hou het lekker bij mijn beltegoed, anders zou ik rood staan. Dus Vincent, heel erg bedankt voor het opmaken van mijn 300 gratis smsjes! Hihi. Ach, als je iets leuks wilt doen of smsen.. kost het geld en daar moet je wat voor over hebben.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Eggs taste better mixed

As Promised:

or listen directly:


1. Gold Panda - You
2. Deadmau5 - Sofi Needs A Ladder (Sophie Belukka Sparks Remix)
3. Skrillex - Weekends!!! (Zed Remix)
4. Kaskade - I Can See ( Remix)
5. Reder8 - Amazing (Original Mix) w/ Dirty South & Axwell - Open Your Heart (acapella)
6. Thomas Gold - AGORa (Original Mix)
7. Laidback Luke - Timebomb (Instrumental Mix) w/ The Kings of Tomorrow - Finally (acapella)
8. Joeysuki and Firebeatz - Hidden Sound (Original Mix) w/ Sonicc - Stickin (Original Mix)
9. Bare - Shot Me Down
10. Skrillex - Kill Everybody (Bare Noize Remix)
11. Jobo - Berserk
12. Max.Well - No Matter

Goosebumps Never Lie

Vincent here, and for good!

I'm officially taking over the Friday post now! For those who don't know me, I'm a friend of Mariëlle and I usually post a mix every week containing the newest electronica, house and dubstep tunes. Just like this week, but since I'm taking the Friday post over completely, I'll post some separate tunes too. I did this before and I posted something brand new, something special and something classic (in that order). So let's kick off big with the Luke!

Laidback Luke - Timebomb (Instrumental Mix)

Without a doubt my favourtite producer/artist. Not only very gifted and passionate, but incredibly nice! I was waiting forever for this to come out, and yesterday it did! It seems Luke is going back to his roots (Celebrate us, Pass The Fury, Don't Let Go ect. ). Quote: "I'm done with the the dutch influences in my productions, it was fun for a while but I like to change my style now and then. I'm currently working in my studio with some new ideas. I'm working on a new kind of genre, combining trance and house, I call it trance 2.0!".

Although I prefer this instrumental version, a vocal EP featuring Jonathan Mendelson (yes from till tonight) is going to be released not far from now, with remixers: Gianni Marino and Rene Amesh.

Deadmau5 - Get In The Cart, Pig (working Title)

Deadmau5 - Get In The Cart, Pig. by fuckmylife

Since "Random Album Title" , deadmau5 was truly dead to me. Apart from Strobe and 16th Hour on his new album, no release from him came close to the 2008-2009 greatness and ,unfortunately, succes of Deadmau5. He seemed to go fully electro house and I was already deleting my Facebook/Soundcloud subscriptions... until I stumbled upon this.

This represents everything I love from mister Joel Zimmerman: Powerfull chords, skillfully produced, combined with amazing synthesizer skills. The drop is massive too and I'm almost certain that the full version has a drop with the chords in it. It reminds me a lot of Strobe, and I can only hope he's going to release this.

Thomas Newman - Any Other Time

I can't see how anyone could listen to this without undergoing any form of emotion. I didn't discovered it by watching the movie, but from my MOS chillout sessions CD's. I just to listen to them all the time when I was a kid, and one track is still on my iPod: Jakatta - American Dream (jakatta sampled thomas newman). I strongly recommend this track, it never fails giving me the goosebumps.

I'll post my mix in about an hour, it features a great remix from a deadmau5 tracks, a lot of new house and the most sick dubstep tune you'll ever hear.
